Our Difference

About Us

SonoBed was established in 1995 by the Stasney family. As a sonographer, Jason Stasney, RVT, RDCS, is uniquely positioned to help design beds that are beneficial to the sonographers and patients.

In 1998, SonoBed invented The Original Wedge Section™, and shortly after patented it. The product innovation allows patients to be easily moved and remains one of our signature features.

After noticing discomforts and potential injuries to sonographers, SonoBed set out to learn about ergonomics. In 2001, we started implementing ergonomics for ultrasound into our products. The SonoBed model was developed with a dropping foot panel and stirrups. This bed soon became our model that can do all areas of ultrasound on one bed.

To ensure we stay ahead of the game, we attend annual conferences as well as small local meetings to support the ultrasound community. Simultaneously, we teach our fellow sonographers how to use the ergonomic features and options on the exam bed through hands on teaching. Working with these sonographer societies allows us to implement ergonomic equipment and develop a set of standards for the industry. Our goal is to take care of the sonographer and the patient.

To ensure quality, we manufacture the products ourselves. In our hometown in southwest Missouri, we have a crew of local welders, machinist and assembly employees. This allows us to supervise and ensure the bed meets our standards. These products are then delivered worldwide.

We are a small but dedicated team. Jason and his wife, Angela, are passionate about continuing to develop a product line for fellow sonographers by offering an affordable line of exam beds. There are many different models and we know which features will be best for your expertise.

One of our favorite parts about our small team is the opportunity it has afforded us to work with our family. SonoBed started with Jason and his dad. After graduating from OU, Tatum officially joined our team in 2018, allowing us to expand our offices to Houston. Tatum Stasney is our head of the SonoBed Maintenance Department and Accounts Payable. 

This passion doesn’t just stop once you’ve purchased your SonoBed. We want to continue to educate and support you. Our dedicated service is available after the sale for many, many years to come. In fact, some of our beds from 2000 are still working daily in their ultrasound labs.

We look forward to sharing our passion and helping you choose the right SonoBed to support your talented sonographers. For more, call us at (888) 256-8748 or send an email to [email protected]. You can also request a quote on our website.

Angela Stasney & Jason K Stasney, RVT, RDCS
Tatum Stasney
Tatum Stasney

ISO Certification

SonoBed is ISO Certified. Please view further details here.


We are sonographer owned. Our exam beds are designed and tested by sonographers. This gives us the advantage of knowing how to design the perfect bed that is comfortable for YOU. We’ve included of our ergonomic differences below.

Asking questions before they buy:

  • what studies they do
  • how many a day
  • patient size
  • any existing injuries

Offering options that can reduce injury

  • Ultra-Low Column – lowered height so the patient can enter and exit the bed easier and not rely on the sonographer. This is where many sonographers become injured.
  • Ergo Rails – side rails invented by Jason that tuck up under the bed frame, allowing the sonographer room to get their knees under the bed and unobstructed from the side rail.
  • Central Lock Casters – unlock/lock all casters at once. Enables the sonographer to reconfigure their room more easily. This is especially important if one sonographer scans left-handed and the next one scans right-handed.

The Original Wedge Section™

The wedge positions the patient on their side without stuffing a pillow under their back. This specifically reduces injuries to sonographers. The Wedge Section™ always gets oohhh’s and aahh’s at trade shows when fellow sonographers see it in real life.

While some of our competitor’s beds have a similar wedge section, it’s impossible to replicate SonoBed’s Wedge Section. Thanks to Patent No. US 7,024,711 B1, we’ve got the best wedge on the market, ensuring ease of usability.

Patent No. US 7,024,711 B1.


We can make your bed shorter, longer, skinnier and fatter – since we make the beds, we make the rules! Many sonographers work in exam rooms the size of closets – therefore it is necessary to change the dimensions of the bed so they may get it into the room but not sacrifice the good stuff, ultra-low column, central lock casters, etc.


Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS)

We are proud to partner with SDMS as our beliefs are aligned. We both advocate for sonographers in all areas of ultrasound, ensuring our sonographers are taken care of with a focus on ergonomics.

SMDS works on behalf of sonographers to help protect them from potentially harmful legislation. SonoBed regularly participate in their annual conference.


American Society of Echocardiogrpahy (ASE)

ASE works to advance cardiovascular ultrasound and improve lives through excellence in education, research, innovation, advocacy and service to the profession and public. SonoBed attends their annual conference, helping to educate physicians in ergonomics and cardiovascular sonogram.


Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU)

SVU is the professional society of the vascular laboratory. Their members are dedicated to the advancement of noninvasive ultrasound used specifically in the diagnosis of vascular disease. SonoBed started attending their annual conferences in 2016 and will continue to help support and educate SVU.
