Vascular Exam Bed Models

Heritage Medical Products’ owner, Jason Stasney is registered in cardiac and vascular ultrasound and knows first hand – not all vascular labs are the same. That’s why he’s offering you a chance to build a bed according to your needs. Take this quick quiz to find your perfect bed model.


  1. Do you do cardiac along with vascular exams?
    1. If Yes, go to Hart
    2. If No, go to question 2
  2. Do you do renal exams and/or spend time placing the patient onto their sides (right & left)?
    1. If Yes, go to Vision
    2. If No, go to Grove

The SonoBed Hart 45°

Item #2099
The Hart combines a 13” x 13” imaging drop section with our patented 13” x 13” Original Wedge Section (built-in patient positioning wedge) ideal for apical views. For vascular exams the Hart offers 45° Trendelenburg, built-in footboard and articulating arm board. A complete bed model for both areas of ultrasound.
  • 13″ x 13″ Imaging Drop Section – manual
    See options for Power Drop Section – ergonomic
  • 13″ x 13″ Original Wedge Section manual (built-in patient positioning wedge)
    See options for Power Wedge Section – ergonomic
  • Electric height adjustable from 26″- 38″
    See options for Ultra-Low Column 19″ – 38″ – ergonomic
  • Electric Fowler positioning (back)
  • Built-in foot board for venous insufficiency exams
  • Removable arm board – upholstered
  • Electric Reverse Trendelenburg +/- 45°
  • Patient safety strap
  • Hand control for electronic functions
    See options for foot controls – ergonomic
  • 5″ Individually locking casters
    See options for Central Locking Casters – 1 pedal braking – ergonomic
  • 600 lbs. LIFT Capacity     900 lbs. LOAD Capacity
  • 76″ Length —– 30″ Width
  • *See options for Central Locking Casters
  • 5″ Total Lock Casters
Ergonomic Options
Item # Product Description
4025  Power Drop Section Open/close the section with the handheld control or optional foot controls –  IDEAL for RIGHT hand scanning cardiac sonographers
4033 Power Wedge Section Open/close the section with the handheld control or optional foot control
4011  Ultra Low Column Our BEST selling option  –  takes the bed down to 19” which is wheelchair transfer height  –  goes up to 38”  –  allows the patient to easily enter and exit the bed. Ideal for pediatrics, elderly and disabled
4007 Central Locking Casters Lock and unlock all 4 casters at once with the central locking braking system. Perfect for those who must reconfigure your exam room often
4045 Foot Control(s) Run the electric positions of the exam bed with your feet, freeing up your hands for the probe and machine. Working in a dark room is difficult, make it easier with foot controls
4035  Ergo Rails (side rails) Designed by HMP owner, Jason Stasney, the Ergo Rails fit UNDER the bed frame while allowing room for the sonographer’s knees. They are powder coated, easy to clean and provide support for the patient while on the bed
4043  Standard Headrail The basic headrail design is permanently installed and secures to the head of the bed. This enables the patient to grab on and move their own body during the exam, scooting up and down and side to side — as a bonus, it keeps the pillow on the bed
4041  Wrap-Around Headrail Another great invention from Jason, the wrap design gives the patient a bar to hold onto as the enter and exit the bed. The rail makes it easier for the patient to position themselves, rolling over and moving into the desired position
Additional Options
Item # Product Description
3628 Extended Warranty 5 years: After the initial 2 year warranty this warranty takes effect for 3 years. Does not include hand control(s) and/or vinyl upholstery
4075 IV POLE Connects to the base of the exam bed, is removable
4037 Safety Side Rails Removable safety side rails adjust vertically, note bracket stays

The SonoBed Hart 45°

The SonoBed Vision 45°

Previously: 2000 Series Vascular
Item #2050
The SonoBed Vision has Double Wedge Sections™ built into the bed that manually raise and lower to place your patient on their side. Much easier to use than a pillow and have been proven to help sonographers avoid injuries to their shoulder, back, hips and legs. Put the POWER to the wedges with the optional Power Wedge Sections™ - operating with the hand control or optional foot control. The Vision handles patient placement so the sonographer can concentrate on the exam. The Wedge Sections are an asset when placing obese patients into position.
  • Double 13″ x 13″ Wedge Sections (manual built-in patient positioning wedge) *See options for power wedges
  • Electric height adjustable from 26″ – 38″ *See options for Ultra-Low Column 19″ – 38″
  • Electric Fowler positioning (back)
  • Hand control for electronic functions *See options for foot controls
  • VENOUS Insufficiency 45° Reverse Trendelenburg (electric)
  • Built-in patient footboard
  • Patient safety strap
  • 5″ Individually Locking Casters *See options for Central Locking Casters
  • 600 lbs. LIFT capacity — 900 lbs. LOAD capacity
  • 76” Length, 30” Width
  • Powder coated steel frame
  • Paper roll holder
  • Corner bumpers
  • Bariatric grade foam, 2” thick
  • Quality vinyl upholstery
Ergonomic Options
Item # Product Description
PWS002 Double Power Wedge Sections Put the power to your built-in patient positioning Wedge Sections. This enable you to position your patient in ANY increment you desire. Ideal for breast imaging. Ergonomic, operates with supplied hand control or with optional foot controls.
4011 Ultra Low Column Our BEST selling option  –  takes the bed down to 19” which is wheelchair transfer height  –  goes up to 38”  –  allows the patient to easily enter and exit the bed. Ideal for pediatrics, elderly and disabled
4035 Ergo Rails Designed by Heritage Medical Products owner, Jason Stasney, the Ergo Rails fit UNDER the bed frame while allowing room for the sonographer’s knees. They are powder coated, easy to clean and provide support for the patient while on the bed
4007 Central Locking Casters Lock and unlock all 4 casters at once with the central locking braking system. Perfect for those who must reconfigure your exam room often
4045 Foot Controls: 1, 2, 3 &4 Functions Run the electric positions of the exam bed with your feet, freeing up your hands for the probe and machine. Working in a dark room is difficult, make it easier with foot controls
4043 Standard Headrail The basic headrail design is permanently installed and secures to the head of the bed. This enables the patient to grab on and move their own body during the exam, scooting up and down and side to side — as a bonus, it keeps the pillow on the bed
4041 Wrap-Around Headrail Another great invention from Jason, the wrap design gives the patient a bar to hold onto as the enter and exit the bed. The rail makes it easier for the patient to position themselves, rolling over and moving into the desired position
Additional Options
Item # Product Description
3628 Extended Warranty 5 years: After the initial 2 year warranty this warranty takes effect for 3 years. Does not include hand control(s) and/or vinyl upholstery
4075 IV POLE Connects to the base of the exam bed, is removable
4014 Armboard – Removable Removable, articulating upholstered armboard for upper extremities
The SonoBed Vision 45°

The SonoBed Grove 45°

Previously: 2000 Power Vasc
Item #2045
If you are not concerned with side patient placement the SonoBed Grove is for you. The SonoBed Grove is a budget friendly vascular exam bed with 45° Trendelenburg, built-in footboard and articulating arm board. Electric features include height, fowler and Trendelenburg. Ergonomic options available: the most popular Ultra-Low Column, Ergo Rails and Central Locking Casters. Being on a budget doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the ergonomic benefits. Build a bed that suites your budget while protecting your sonographer too!
  • Designed Exclusively for Venous Insufficiency Studies
  • Electric Height Adjustable from 26″ – 38″
    *See options for Ultra-Low Column 19″ – 38″
  • Electric Fowler Position
  • Electric Reverse Trendelenburg +/- 45 degrees
  • Built-in foot board for venous insufficiency exams
  • Patient Safety Strap
  • 5” Individually Locking Casters
    *See options for Central Locking Casters
  • Width 30″     Length 76″
  • Hand control for electric functions
    *See options for foot controls
  • Armboard is optional for upper extremities
Ergonomic Options
Item # Product Description
4011 Ultra Low Column Our BEST selling option  –  takes the bed down to 19” which is wheelchair transfer height  –  goes up to 38”  –  allows the patient to easily enter and exit the bed. Ideal for pediatrics, elderly and disabled
4035 Ergo Rails Designed by Heritage Medical Products owner, Jason Stasney, the Ergo Rails fit UNDER the bed frame while allowing room for the sonographer’s knees. They are powder coated, easy to clean and provide support for the patient while on the bed
4007 Central Locking Casters Lock and unlock all 4 casters at once with the central locking braking system. Perfect for those who must reconfigure your exam room often
4045 Foot Controls: 1, 2, 3 &4 Functions Run the electric positions of the exam bed with your feet, freeing up your hands for the probe and machine. Working in a dark room is difficult, make it easier with foot controls
4043 Standard Headrail The basic headrail design is permanently installed and secures to the head of the bed. This enables the patient to grab on and move their own body during the exam, scooting up and down and side to side — as a bonus, it keeps the pillow on the bed
4041 Wrap-Around Headrail Another great invention from Jason, the wrap design gives the patient a bar to hold onto as the enter and exit the bed. The rail makes it easier for the patient to position themselves, rolling over and moving into the desired position
Additional Options
Item # Product Description
4014 Armboard – Removable Removable, articulating upholstered armboard for upper extremities
4075 IV Pole Connects to the base of the exam bed, is removable
3628 Extended Warranty 5 years: After the initial 2 year warranty this warranty takes effect for 3 years. Does not include hand control(s) and/or vinyl upholstery
Product Image Gallery
The SonoBed Grove 45° The SonoBed Grove 45°